After a long test phase, our webshop has opened. Feel free to use it!
Thanks for your patience!
After a long test phase, our webshop has opened. Feel free to use it!
Thanks for your patience!
We are just back from this great Italian event wich was in the beautiful Tuscany, in an old historical town. We have taken more then 1000 pictures, visited Florence and Siena too. So it also was a modeler and art adventure.
In short: this is a clear event “only” for figure painters and sculptors, so this is unique. Fill an exhibition and a medieval building with figures is a hard job – this guys made it in 10th time. We congratulation to the organizators, well done! We loved the place and will go back!
Some pictures:
Monte San Savino in the morning from our Apartman
In this tower was the exhibition
We liked many works, my best were these tale caracters and Fabrizio Rusto’s display
Also in the tower we found this Austro-Hungarian Hussar uniform
Of course there was some short courses too. Here Roman Lappat was painting a big bust and show how we can paint “a light of a fire where many goblins are burning”
This scene won the BOS from Antonio Zapatero and Gustavo Gil. Better pictures here
Gábor Szabó won two bronze medals (in Master Histrorical Painting and Master Historical Sculpting)
He is the second guy from the rigth
And for the end. Did you know that Italy has Scorpions? This guy lived in our apartman:
We are just back from Eindhoven. Unfortunately about the competition we haven’t pictures (you can find more by other participants on Facebook). By the way the show was excellent and we have the best weather for small trips to Rotterdam and on the home journey to Nürnberg. From some good reference pictures we will post later.
Here are some links where you can watch pictures about the contest (now, or later):
Shame, but we haven’t picture about our special prize winner – Lost Russia 1944 by Juan Miguel Fernández. This is from MaGie Miniature. Thanks for it! And again congratulations for Juan!
We are very happy because this year we can take part on the Scale Model Challange again as vendor. We hope we can meet with many of you there!
We will have some news for you:
A Mediavel gate in 1/35-32 (54mm) Scale, the Fat Company and a street part in 1/72. More about them later.
See you there!
Dear Friends and Followers,
We are pleased to announce the release of our new website, designed with a fresh new look and user-friendly navigation. By the way we have many works yet of course in the near future, but we started the site today and it will be always under construction. We are preparing to the Scale Model Challenge, so the web shop doesn’t work on this week.
Thanks for visiting! Keep us contact!
Balázs Schuller
production manager