Dear All, after many years we take part on the modeling event in Zagreb, Croatia. We hope we can meet with many of you there! More info HERE
-25% discount on all resin products during the show!!!
Dear All, after many years we take part on the modeling event in Zagreb, Croatia. We hope we can meet with many of you there! More info HERE
-25% discount on all resin products during the show!!!
Dear All,
After 2 years break here is the next event in Eindhoven, the World Model Expo. Our stand will be here (see the floorplan). We hope we can meet there and talk a little bit. More info about the event HERE.
See you there!
Dear All,On the next week comes the long waited Mosonshow again. Our shop will be in the circled area. See you there! More info on the official SITE.
Kedves Mindenki!
Hosszú ideje az első makettezőknek szóló rendezvény Magyarországon, a jövő héten megrendezésre kerülő PSMK Kupa. Mi is ott leszünk Újpesten az egykori gyapjúszövőgyár csarnokában egy apró standdal. Visszük a fő szortimentet, némi second hand készletet és pár újdonságot. Utóbbiakra akciót hirdetünk, amiről a következő napokban további információkat teszünk majd közzé. Várjuk a találkozást.
Mindenkinek jó készülődést!
A rendezvényről részletek ITT olvashatóak.
And we will be there. We hope we can meet with you! Our booth will be next to the BAR – easy to find (see the floorplan). Our year was a little bit busy, we do not have so much new release, but we will have many plinths, may we can help you with a nice wooden base to your next project.
See you there soon!
EN: Dear Costumers,
We will take part on the Modellbrno 2019, on Saturday, 15th June, like normal visitors. BUT if you need something from our stock, please write us and you shouldn’t pay any shipping cost!
e-mail: info@blackarmy-30bbdf.ingress-erytho.easywp.com
Order deadline: 13th June 2019 (Thursday)
See You on the event!
HU: Kedves Vásárlóink!
Idén csak, mint látogatók veszünk részt a brnoi makett versenyen június 15-én, szombaton. De, ha szintén jöttök és szükségetek van valamire, továbbá meg akarjátok spórolni a postaköltséget, akkor jelezzétek azt levélben.
e-mail: info@blackarmy-30bbdf.ingress-erytho.easywp.com
Rendelési határidő: 2019. június 13. csütörtök
Viszont látásra a rendezvényen!
Dear Friends and Partners,
As in all years we will be on the most important Hungarian modeler event, on the Mosonshow. This year we got a new place in the arena, not far from the earlier. LINK
You can find us in the “N” zone (somewhere).
We will have some news for you! Here you can see two of them, the others are comming on our Facebook site first.
Dear Friends,
On the last month we were very busy. New home, bigger family and some upcoming product needed a lot of time.
By the way we will release some figures and a building for the Scale Model Challenge. Pictures come soon.
But first an upload where you can find us on the show. We will be in the main bargain hall by the D9 table. Hopefully we can meet with many old and new costumers.
Very important! Up this year you can pay by credit and debit cards on the stand!
See You there!
Balázs Schuller
This year we take part again on the Scale Model Challange in Netherlands, Eindhoven.
All infos about the event you can find here: http://www.scalemodelchallenge.com/
And here will be our stand:
Come and say hello if you see us!
These another new sets also will be available on the Moson Show on 21-23 April 2017, first offline. And up Monday 24 April 2017 you can buy them online too!