Many new products are coming in the next month as we earlier said. First one – or two, because it comes in Scales 1/9 and 1/16 too – will be the British Airborne Officer, Arnhem 1944. The boxart was just finished. We hope you like it.
Sculpted By Darko Prenosil
Painted by Balazs Schuller
The small one was painted by Gabor Szabó
Gábor is very busy this time, so his pictures are coming later.
in the last weeks I worked on this couple, the Fat company. The Scale is 54 mm and will be released in a limited edition because this is not a mainstream subject. That was more a work for fun than a business idea.
First here is the partner, a wolf. Also a little bit fat.
And here, they are together. The Landskencht with an early Arquebus (firearm).
You can order it directly right now for 16 EUR. From the wolf we also made more cast, so if you need only him, you can get a copy for 6 EUR.
You can use it by scenes up the medieval time to tomorrow. The scale is 1:35-1:32 (both is working).
35-29 and 30 are a modular system. With using a combination of this kits you can build a park part, or a garden, a street, etc.
Következő megjelenésink között dioráma kiegészítők is lesznek. A román kori templomrészlet felhasználható (a 11-12. századtól számítva) bármely korban. Ez utóbbi és a variálható kerítés részlet is felhasználható 1:35, avagy 1:32-es méretarányú munkákhoz.
35-28 Medieval church corner
Church corner with figure (1:35)
35-30 Modular fence wall II. (longer with 2 columns)
35-30 Modular fence wall II. (longer with 2 columns) with figure