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Our profile is changing

In the past year, a lot has changed in the world and in our lives. Our team is no longer as productive as before and therefore we are forced to give up our traditional operation. I continue to operate BAM as a staffed business, as a figure maker and 3D printing service. I switched from hand sculpting to 3D sculpting. I mainly work on orders for other companies. Our old products can be purchased here on the website at a discounted price while supplies last. In the year 2024, we will still be present with the old team at the Mosonshow and the Scale Model Challenge. I will continue to sell wood planks at these events. And finally: You can’t stop making figurines…

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PSMK Makett Kupa 2021

Kedves Mindenki!

Hosszú ideje az első makettezőknek szóló rendezvény Magyarországon, a jövő héten megrendezésre kerülő PSMK Kupa. Mi is ott leszünk Újpesten az egykori gyapjúszövőgyár csarnokában egy apró standdal. Visszük a fő szortimentet, némi second hand készletet és pár újdonságot. Utóbbiakra akciót hirdetünk, amiről a következő napokban további információkat teszünk majd közzé. Várjuk a találkozást.

Mindenkinek jó készülődést!

A rendezvényről részletek ITT olvashatóak.

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Sign up for our Newsletter!

Dear Friends,We started a newsletter service, if you are interested, please subscribe on the website. Thanks!

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Dear Customers from Australia, 

After a long hesitancy today I decided to write an announcement to you. Unfortunately since the pandemic crisis not only the Hungarian Post, but as well other delivery companies from Hungary (and from Europa) does not ship anything to Australia. The Hungarian Post has a list about the not available countries, which they regularly refresh:

I would like to ask you, before you order,please check this list! I hope we can ship into your country again soon. 

Thanks for your understanding and patience!

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EN: Dear Costumers,

We will take part on the Modellbrno 2019, on Saturday, 15th June, like normal visitors. BUT if you need something from our stock, please write us and you shouldn’t pay any shipping cost! 
e-mail: [email protected]
Order deadline: 13th June 2019 (Thursday)

See You on the event!

HU: Kedves Vásárlóink!

Idén csak, mint látogatók veszünk részt a brnoi makett versenyen június 15-én, szombaton. De, ha szintén jöttök és szükségetek van valamire, továbbá meg akarjátok spórolni a postaköltséget, akkor jelezzétek azt levélben.
e-mail: [email protected]
Rendelési határidő: 2019. június 13. csütörtök

Viszont látásra a rendezvényen!

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Hechtgrau and Feldgrau

In the First World War used the Austro-Hungarian Army many different colours by the uniforms. In the first part of the war was the blueish Hechtgrau the basic tone, and later comes the grey-green, or more grey (?) Feldgrau (not the same as the German uniform). But the basic tones had many shades, you can’t say this or this colour was the Hechtgrau or the Feldgrau. I tried here making a mix and presentation of the middle wartime uniforms. A trench scene shows the eastern front in 1916. I hope you like it and you can find more wip pictures on my Facebook site.

The used figures: Our 35-32 Austro-Hungarian General, and a very old Hecker und Goros Artillery officer, both in Scale 1/35

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The New site is here

Dear Friends and Followers,

We are pleased to announce the release of our new website, designed with a fresh new look and user-friendly navigation. By the way we have many works yet of course in the near future, but we started the site today and it will be always under construction. We are preparing to the Scale Model Challenge, so the web shop doesn’t work on this week.
Thanks for visiting! Keep us contact!

Balázs Schuller

production manager
